Land and epidemic issues have always plagued Hong Kong. C-Force Biotech and Easy Charge have joined hands to create Asia's first wireless charging disinfection spray station. In addition to providing disinfection services, chargers can also be rented at any time, making use of the limited space to bring the greatest convenience to the public.

Intelligent disinfection spray stations have been officially put into service in places such as Henderson’s Xingangcheng Housing Estate, Metropolis Housing Estate, Yan Chai Hospital, etc.! More public and private organizations will follow. We want to go one step further for the public, providing a more comfortable and convenient living space.

Product Features of C-Force Biotech Alcohol-Free Antibacterial Disinfectant:

Alcohol free, high safety

Colorless, odorless, no sticky residue

Clinically tested and proven suitable for all skin types including children, babies and people with sensitive skin

Certified by EU BS EN1276 and US ASTM E2315, can kill 99.9% of bacteria

Sterilization effect lasts up to 16 hours

100% made in Hong Kong, confidence guaranteed
Easy Charge Wireless Charger

Asia’s first wireless charging rental service

More than 2,000 rental and return points in Hong Kong
No matter how the epidemic situation changes, C-Force Biotech will walk side by side with you!
C-Force Biotech is committed to scientific research, providing Hong Kong people with comprehensive health protection and fighting against virus invasion.
For more information about smart disinfection spray stations, please email or call us.